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8 Things We Are Thankful For

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Thanksgiving has easily become one of my favorite holidays, yet growing up it was my least favorite. As I’ve grown and matured, I’ve realized that this holiday is much more than food, football, and terrible traffic. It is also not just an obstacle in the way of the Christmas season. Thanksgiving is about reflecting back on the things we are thankful for, and spending time with family and friends. So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought it was a great time to talk about some of the things we are thankful for in regards to Navy.

Here it goes…

Health – We are so incredibly lucky that Navy is healthy. Through Instagram, we often hear of dogs that are battling serious health issues. It always breaks my heart to read these stories. This summer, Navy had a bit of a health scare that (thankfully) turned out to be nothing. Each day that she was sick, I felt sick. All I wanted was to take her pain away. We certainly count our blessings that Navy is healthy.

Community – This is two-fold. First, we are so incredibly thankful for the online community of friends that have supported us. Every single time I log into Instagram and post a photo with Navy, I am overwhelmed by the love and kindness pouring out from this community that we’ve built around us. Second, we are grateful to live in such a dog friendly area that has such a strong community of dog parents and dog lovers.

Friendships – Though many people forget, there are humans behind your favorite dog Instagram accounts. We’ve met some of the most amazing people through Navy’s account, people who have grown to be close friends of ours. But it’s not all about us, Navy has also met some pretty awesome pals as well.

Opportunities – I will say it time and time again, we’ve had some truly incredible opportunities all thanks to Navy. We started Navy’s Instagram page for fun. Zach and I never would have imagined her Instagram would turn out to be a little business venture for us. Through Instagram, we’ve been able to partner with some amazing brands that we love, travel to some cool places, attend awesome events, and promote great products to our online family.

Giving Back – We’ve been able to monetize some of the amazing opportunities we’ve had. But the best opportunities are when we get the chance to give back to our Instagram community or to those less fortunate. Whether it was volunteering our time, promoting a good cause, or even being able to donate some of the awesome goodies sent our way, we just love to be able to give back.

Family – Family is incredibly important to us. We are so grateful for the love and support of our family for whatever we do. We are also grateful for our family watching Navy when Zach and I travel.

Home – When we brought Navy home, Zach and I were living in his old apartment, with his roommates. It was always supposed to be a temporary situation until we found an apartment of our own, but it ended up lasting longer than expected. We moved to our own apartment, just the three of us, in January. Truthfully, it has been the most amazing thing for our family. In addition, it has done wonders for Navy’s growth and development. She finally has a place to call her own.

Navy – Last but not least, we are thankful for Navy. I could definitely go on and on, but simply put, this feisty, little pup has gotten me through some of my darkest of days. She not only brings me so much joy, but also a purpose. I am so grateful for the bond we share and all the memories we’ve created together.

There are certainly more things we are thankful for, but these eight things were the first that came to mind as I was reflecting back and drafting this list.

I’m curious to know, what are you thankful for this time of year? 

We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and get to spend time with your loved ones!



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