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Category: reviews

vital essentials raw

In the age where viral challenges are taking over the internet by storm, we decided to try out the Vital Essentials “Better Wetter or Nicer Naked?” challenge (#TasteofVE). In short, this challenge allows your pet the option of choosing how they prefer their meals to be served: wet or naked.

pupbox corgi puppy

What is PupBox


These days, you can get nearly anything in a monthly subscription box. From meal delivery services, beauty samples, clothing rentals, dog treats, etc., companies will deliver goods to your door monthly for a flat fee.


Our Top 5 Toy Choices for Puppies


Don’t you hate when you spend your hard earned money to buy your puppy toys and your pup plays with it for all of what, 2 minutes?! Pretty soon your home turns into a wasteland of barely touched toys.When Navy was a puppy we got her all the best puppy toys google could find. Quite honestly, Navy really didn’t like what google had to recommend. We ended up spending a ton of money on toys that Navy really did not want to play with.